October 4th - Day 139 (138.5) - 'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.' L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Just to prove that my day off from Sponsor a Spin on Friday wasn’t spent sitting back with a mug of coffee, I thought I’d include a photograph. (Oops, I realise I’m not in this picture but there is proof in other posts!). Despite early rain, it turned into a lovely day and the views were amazing. Any more proof needed that I took part in the 2021 Bishop’s Walk was what I looked like Friday evening and Saturday Morning - or I should say what I looked like stumbling and limping around and the moaning I did. I can safely say that walking 11.4 miles in Derbyshire does not use the same muscles as cycling 4000 miles. I know…. I should be fit by now… but clearly, something has gone wrong!

This morning, I was sat having a coffee at home, when I remembered that Keith wasn’t in and I needed to be there before 8.30 to let Acurcio in. Cycling faster than I have so far and making it in, I think, slightly under an hour, I arrived just as he was turning into the Centre. And no…I’m still not fit, given by the way I then walked up the stairs to my office.

So, talking about speed, I have to mention that on this day in 1976, British Rail began its new 125mph Intercity 'High Speed Train' service. HST (High Speed Trains) always makes me smile as my Mum, who often muddled up acronyms and words, always called them UHT Trains. But… that just might be milking it!

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Ruth Moore