October 20 - Day 149.5 ‘One can...if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.’ L Snicket, The Penultimate Peril

As it’s the penultimate day of the challenge I decided that I’d include a quotation from ‘The Penultimate Peril’. I also thought it would be good to include the deer again, not least because at this time of year, they are even more camouflaged (see the long distant shot where they appear to the left of the picture) so I was pleased I spotted them this morning.

Animals, as we know, use camouflage to hide and blend in to their backgrounds, either to avoid predators or to sneak up on prey. Apparently it is also known as ‘cryptic coloration’.

What I clearly hadn’t realised, after another close encounter with a vehicle over-taking within inches of the bike this morning, is that my bright yellow fluorescent jacket, bike lights and fluorescent stripes on helmet and panniers all must create a cryptic coloration with my surroundings, especially on blind bends when something is coming towards me. I think it must be so cryptic that its effect is only visible to certain drivers. Interestingly, I have also developed an instinctive reaction to such circumstances (don’t worry it’s polite) which is to place my thumb heavily on the button for the loud horn while at the same time placing my finger on the button which activates the camera. The skills I have learnt!

It was, however, a lovely journey this morning and I thoroughly enjoyed the sights I could see on the way - and the lack of rain. As I approach the journey tomorrow morning and complete the 150th day, 30th week and 4500 miles, I will yet again be thinking about the purpose of the challenge and the impact that the money raised will have on the amazing clients we see each day. I’ll also be thinking about the incredible support I have had - so thank you.

Ruth Moore